Gasser Racing

Sheerness, England 2018

I haven’t been out much of late, health letting me down again. I like this shot not only because of it’s colour but it’s warm tone. Sad memories too, firstly this was taken with my Leica M4-2, which I should never of parted with and secondly the film. AGFA Vista 200 sadly no longer available.

Leica M4-2 with the Summicron 50mm f/2 lens

Waiting for Master

Waiting for his master to come back, I spotted this dog in a supermarket car park in Sheerness just as the early evening sunlight caught his face. All the time I was there he cried continuously watching though the open window.


Leica M4-2, Summicron 50mm f/2 on Fomapan 100 Classic film rated at 400.